We Are Nine Years Old Today

Funny how time flies. Nine years ago today, I began One Perfect Bite. The blog was originally intended to chronicle my kitchen adventures and provide a safe harbor for recipes and treasured memories of times spent in my own, or the kitchens of others. At the time, I actively pursued and entered recipe contests, and as I began to win I was able to meet others who shared my love of food and the creation of dishes that were delicious and as easy on the pocketbook as they were on the eye. These gracious women encouraged me to enter the world of blogging, and were it not for their pushing and pulling, One Perfect Bite would never have seen the light of day. I'd love to tell you that my efforts met with instantaneous success, but growth was painfully slow. At the end of three months I had four followers, two of whom were my daughters. I'm not a quitter, so I kept plugging away and by the end of the year I'd found my place in the blogging world.

That world, however, has changed with the introduction of social media. Much of it remains fun, but the constant need to "publish or perish" in multiple places is a drag on the everyday life that makes blogs and bloggers interesting. So, as I enter my 9th year in the food community I've come to love, there will be changes made to One Perfect Bite. I'm not quitting, but I am going to cut back on when and what I publish. I'll be posting 3 times a week. On Mondays, I'll be featuring favorite recipes from my personal collection. On Wednesdays, I'm going to resuscitate the popular Mid-Week Musings and share observations and thoughts that come to me as I work in the kitchen, and on Fridays I'll be posting weekly menus. This will give me time to work on a cooking memoir that I hope to share with you in the not too distant future. I'll remain on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter, so, save for frequency, we'll be able to stay in touch. I love you all and am so thankful I've been able to share this journey with you. Hugs and blessings...Mary

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